Our values:
Family, Self Sufficiency, Knowledge, Collaboration, Empowerment and Opportunities.
It’s an idea born from a group of individuals who saw the positive impact of fitness in a young man who at a young age had faced many struggles. His desire and motivation to become a better human being served as the basis for a model that is now a 21-day program for youth in juvenile detention facilities and a more extended program for at-risk youth. This model of prevention reaches youth beyond after school programs, academic efforts, and job opportunities. This model is the root of building strong young people by focusing on their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, through group and individual support. Ambassadors who have successfully completed the program and other youth development professionals will deliver programs, both virtual and in person with the expectation that through partnerships and community engagement this model could reach young people all over the world.
Focused on its strengths and its leading team, Streetz2Fitness aims to increase the opportunities of development for at risk youth and youth in underserved communities.
With our guidance and training model, youth will have the opportunity to improve their lives and attain more positive life outcomes.
We are currently serving a number of Juveniles Facilities in the Florida area, and are in the process of partnering with other Youth Development organizations to further expand our efforts. Our virtual world allows us to reach locations at the National and International levels.

“when you present young people with opportunities, have faith in them and challenge them to do better, they will.”
Every young person deserves an opportunity. Through our Fitness programs, we help young people focus on their Body, Mind and Soul.
We challenge them to do better, with proper envouragement, guidance and support.
Join us and let’s change the youth realities together!

21 Day Fitness Program
A program developed with Juvenile Detention Facilities in mind. We offer a complete guide, instructions, planner and all supporting materials. We walk staff through the process, in a program that is simple and effective to implement. Research shows that it takes 21 days to build a habit, so 21 days is what we are looking for from our young people, so that they can focus on a more positive outcome to their lives. We make the guide available to our partners, because no young person should be denied the opportunity for success.